About V4...
Since the V4 cores are still in the developmental phase and not 100% Amiga compatible,
we cannot provide any support.
If you want to run AmiKit on V4 core anyway, follow the instructions below and/or check the Willem Driver's ApolloBoot OMNI project that can run the LZX version of AmiKit on V4 even with the latest AROS cores.
How to run AmiKit on a V4 core R8
It is strongly recommended to have an AmigaOS Kickstart ROM in your V4 core, not AROS. Use VampireFlash for it.
and you want to flash a new core
on AmiKit 11.5.0 or higher
simply run Dracula > Vampire > Core Support first, and then flash the new core to your V4.
But if you have already flashed the new core without using Dracula first, boot your AmiKit without the Startup-Sequence
(hold down both mouse buttons during startup) and enter the following command: v4coresupport
on AmiKit 11.3.0 or 11.4.0
Either update to AmiKit 11.5.0 or higher and follow the instructions above
or, if you have already flashed the new core, get v4coresupport.lzx archive, boot your AmiKit without the Startup-Sequence (hold down both mouse buttons during startup) and unpack the support archive to you AmiKit by typing the following command: LZX -x -m x v4coresupport.lzx AmiKit:
Then wait for a few seconds (so the new files are really saved) and reboot your Vampire.
on a V4 with core R8 (8691) or newer
If you're installing AmiKit LZX edition
Get v4coresupport.lzx archive, and follow the regular QuickGuide LZX install instructions. Right after you have unpacked the main AmiKit archive in STEP 3, unpack the new support archive to your AmiKit as well:
LZX -x -m x v4coresupport.lzx AmiKit:
Then continue to follow the rest of the QuickGuide install instructions.
If you're installing AmiKit Premium/Image CF edition
Since the AROS Kickstart ROM included with newer V4 cores is not able to boot hybrid cards with multiple filesystems (such as AmiKit CF card), use VampireFlash command to flash a regular AmigaOS Kickstart ROM into your V4 core first. Check Apollo website for details or contact them directly.
Then get the v4coresupport.lzx archive, and copy it to AMIKITXE:InstallFiles folder of your CF card. Then follow the regular QuickGuide CF install instructions. Later, right after you have imported the copyrighted files, boot your AmiKit CF card without the Startup-Sequence (hold down both mouse buttons during startup) and unpack the support archive to your AmiKit installation by typing the following command:
LZX -x -m x AMIKITXE:InstallFiles/v4coresupport.lzx AmiKit:
Then wait for a few seconds (so the new files are really saved) and reboot your Vampire.
If your monitor is not capable of displaying the pre-installed 1280x720x24bit screenmode, boot your AmiKit without the Startup Sequence by holding down both mouse buttons and type: Delete ENVARC:Sys/screenmode.prefs
Then wait for a few seconds and reboot, and you will be asked to select your preferred resolution.